Your complimentary fraud exposure and savings assessment awaits.
Help keep your cardholders, assets and reputation safe with a full assessment of your fraud exposure and potential savings, courtesy of PULSE DebitProtect®.

The all-in-one fraud mitigation tool.
PULSE DebitProtect Authorization Blocking - the layer of protection you need to strengthen your fraud mitigation strategy.
- Assigned fraud analyst
- Customized fraud mitigation strategies
- Real-time fraud blocking for PULSE transactions Card-group rules to manage cards impacted by compromise events
- Self-service emergency rules to fight after-hours fraud
- Detect fraud at specific ATM terminals to prevent mass cash out events
- Restrict and permit groups of cards for travel or legitimate activity
- Regular updates and enhancements to stay ahead of threats
- Built on the state-of-the-art FICO® Falcon® platform
Make an immediate impact on your institution's losses by filling out your information on the left to receive a full assessment of your fraud exposure and potential savings.